What a Rush!!! : Silk's Fashions

What a Rush!!!

by Silkspike on 02/25/14

I gave my doll presentation to the Embroidery Guild today.  I got so much positive feedback!  There were so many talented people in that room, and they seemed to be loving the dolls.  I've put up an events section on my site, and have posted photos from today there.  Several ladies asked me to do talks for their groups.  I cannot tell you how wonderful it is to 'come out of the closet' as a doll fanatic to a real live group of human beings. LOL  I felt validated!!!  I was so nervous at first that my hands were shaking, but once I got going, I went into dolly-autopilot.  I showed about 20 sixteen inch dolls, plus a few vintage Barbies.  I gave out a free Barbie pants pattern to anyone who wanted - and set out about 30 baggies full of outfits I've made over the past few years.  This has been a great big day for me.  I still have a few little butterflies in my stomach, but they are very happy butterflies. :)

Comments (2)

1. neus said on 3/8/14 - 11:49PM
hola voy a seguir tu pagina, me encanta hacer ropa a mis muñecas y creo que puedo aprender mucho de ti, muchas gracias por la oportunidad que nos das de ver tus ropas, son muy bonitas un saludo Neus netneus@hotmail.es
2. Micki/Silkspike Dolls said on 3/16/14 - 09:59AM
Muchas gracias por su comentario. : o) Espero poder actualizar a menudo. Besos!

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